So you are curious about competing in a Science Fair?
If you are between the grades of 4-12 you may have the opportunity to compete in your schools science fair and maybe in the Yukon Stikine regional science fair. It could even bring you all the way to the Canada-Wide Science Fair!

Here are some ressources to get you to your goals!
Youth Science Canada has a wonderful chat bot named Spark that can help you find ideas for a project and provide helpful links and ressources to get you started on your research
In need of a mentor, or have extra questions your teacher might not know the answer to?
Your teacher is a wonderful source of information however maybe you have questions that they simply do not know the answer to Science Fair Foundation has an amazing mentorship program along with an online science club! Make sure to ask your parents before contacting them!
Want more information about general Science Fairs?
The Science Fair foundation have this wonderful page to help you understand the different components for a science fair presentation. It will guide you through your research, your poster making and where all this can take you in life
Curious about the Canada-Wide Science Fair?
The Canada Science fair takes place in a new location every year. In 2023 it took place in Edmonton and in 2024 it will be taking place in Ottawa. Up to 3 projects in grades 7-12 will get to go this year!
What happens at the Regional Science Fair?
First and foremost the goal of this science fair is to have fun and study a topic that you are passionate about.
However some like to know what to expect when they arrive at Mt- McIntyre. Here is the schedule of the day planned!
Science Fields to Explore
Earth/Environmental Sciences
Engineering/Computing Sciences
Health Sciences
Life Sciences
Physical/Mathematical Sciences
And so much more!