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Teachers, you're like the superheroes of STEM!

You spark curiosity, fuel critical thinking, and inspire kids on their wild adventure into science, tech, engineering, and math. Your dedication, excitement, and guidance set their STEM passions ablaze. You're the ones who show them the awesome side of STEM and make them dream big. Thanks for being the awesome mentors and champions of young scientists and future innovators!

Here are some ressources to make your life a little easier

Yukon Specific Ressources:

Teacher Guide: 

This handy little guide is useful to help you plan your own science fair at your school!


Safety and Ethic Guidelines:

Allows you to know what you students can and cannot do  as well as what is permitted at the science fair.


Wish to be a delegate at the Canada Wide Science Fair?

Here is the form you must fill if ever you are interested in joining the students at the Canada Wide Science Fair as a delegate


How will your students be judged?

Here is the judging form we will be using at the science fair. Feel free to use this when practicing with your students. Please note that students will not receive their evaluation using this form but rather will receive a separate written form with their strengths and weaknesses. 


Other Science Fair  Ressources:

Why do science fairs?

A quick document to get you started and motivated to host a science fair


Science Fair Foundation

The Science Fair foundation has a multitude of ressources dedicated to teachers on their webpage from science project idea lists to speaker sessions. 


Smarter Science- Youth Science Canada

Smarter Science is the teachers version of Youth Science Canada where Workshops are held and other awesome ressources can be found

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